Tropitech Solutions designs, specifies, integrates, and commissions renewable energy systems. We are a firm believer in utilizing the resources owned by the community we live in. Wind, Solar, and Water can provide clean, economically feasible power generation solutions to our high energy costs. High efficiency, low maintenance wind turbines and high performance solar PV panels provide short payback periods in our high energy cost environment. Unfortunately, these resources are not always available (i.e. the wind isn’t always blowing and the sun goes down) and therefore classifies these generation sources as “non-dispatchable.” Combining these resources with effective energy storage makes these resources dispatchable and readily available as “base load.”
A microgrid co-locates electricity generation and consumption. Unlike the utility grid, which generates electricity in a centralized power plant and then distributes it along miles of transmission lines, a microgrid generates electricity on-site. For electricity generation, our microgrids typically standalone systems that use Solar PV, Battery Energy Storage Systems, and a paralleling Diesel or LPG Generator. Intelligent software controls automatically control generation sources based on load and available capacity. Microgrids can be connected and parallel with the utility if desired and allowed by the utility.