Energy Audit & Analysis

Services for the end-user, ESCO, integrator, general contractor, and financial lending institutions that require building assessment and professional auditing services.
  • Level 1 Audit: A basic walkthrough used to identify “low hanging fruit”, provide a cursory analysis, and a high level recommendation of energy conservation measures (ECM).
  • Level 2 Audit: A more detailed assessment, including a detailed analysis of the building, and a wider range of recommendations than Level 1.
  • Level 3 Audit: This is commonly referred to as an “Investment Grade Audit”. Designed for commercial and industrial facilities as well as ESCOs and banks responsible for project implementation based upon energy savings. This Audit includes capturing existing energy consumption prior to any facility modifications, energy modeling and analysis of impacts of ECM implementation, and post ECM implementation metering and data collection.
  • Energy Modeling: Included in the Level 3 Audit, this service can be provided for Level 1 or 2 audits as well as an independent service for a specific ECM or equipment replacement evaluation.